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10:37 p.m. - 2002-02-04
mrt trains
Picture this...

a long seemingly endless mRt ride,on a late morning about 10am, sitting at the long bench of seats, the side that is washed by sunlight,reading a story book about fairies and trolls under bridges, flipping pages with a tired pursed brow.

the destination is reached and one closes the book with a sigh.the book is stuffed back into the bag and a little girl stares out the window at the few here and there bits of people standing along the platform, seeing them fly past and then slowing, time slows down and finally stops. a small hand clasped, tripping through the beeping doors.

i fake a mask of shagged tiredness and trugged my big bag behind me and proceeded to walk through the gates.i hope the people who passed by me through the sqeezeey doors would know what they are entering themselves into.

a long train ride that is not tiring if you know where to look.



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