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10:38 p.m. - 2002-08-18
a foul mouthed dirty bastard.
no more repression no more tears

no more moralities no more money

no more politeness no more politics

no more diplomats no more door mats

no more rightness no more wrongs

no more how are yous no more im fines

no more philosophies no more principles

no more weasels no more

no more

gimme no more fuckyous

and no more

no more

fuckin angmohs fuckin imperialism?

no more

no more

no more fuckin shits no more hellos?

no more to me!

no more anything.

i'll have to start my pretense.

using the past tense and my nice pretty hands.

i'll use sign language when im no more a foul mouthed dirty bastard.

no more

no more.


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