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3:50 p.m. - 2002-09-08
communism is bad economics is good
i met an old man going mad at a void deck

speak more mandarin...everybody should learn to speak mandarin...why?

becos china is a huge market, it will become an economic powerhouse; the giant is awakening...

i remember mildly that china is a communist state and it still is now.

what does this mean?

we used to be so paranoid about communism taking over the country and so we jail up all those noisy people who like to disagree and divide our country. But now, we're sending businessmen over to china, that communist country, to do business. Heck, some of them are even in our country now studying...these goddamm communists...they are also building our roads and buildings...these goddamm communists...

what is wrong with our government?

Are they in cahoots with the communists?

im very scared. The Red Scare is coming back.

i think either im going mad or the whole world is mad.

i dun understand the logic...are we against communism or not?

maybe its a different kind of war now....we all have wars, don't we? some of them we fight ourselves, others we send our young men to fight and some others we just kill each other, using names of gods and satans.

i think this makes sense....yeap, we're waging an economic war. no money no more power, understand, kid?

if you dun understand, you'll end up like me, sleeping on cold benches at flourescent-lit vold decks every night.


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