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9:40 a.m. - 2002-09-12
welcome to macdollars
welcome to macdonalds

she works in MacDonalds

gets home tired everyday

facing the little school kids calling for their cheeseburgers

and the prudish young manager who berates her engrish

she smells of french fries and lettuce and she told me to help her translate the inventory of food items into mandarin.

i couldn't offer any real help cept for the comfort of my loud words that i will get down to the branch and beat up the manager one fine day.

then she told me about having to smile fakely standing at the counter, raising a left hand up in the air like hail hitler and saying in the loudest of voices, even if the restaurant is quite empty and peaceful,

"why come to MacDonalds!"

it was quite hilarious.


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