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11:57 p.m. - 2002-09-12
Hikikomori--the shut-in kids
Hikikomori---the shut in kids

Hikikomori...he shut himself today.

never came out.

shadows lurking in his bedroom,

blue light shines out under the door,

he is using his computer.

hikiko hikiko

mori mori

i dunno what

i knew i had to find an obsession

a mode of being

that would explain my existence

a tide of stillness

i would sleep and wake

and be


i surfed the net

thought of the things maybe i can collect my love for music

mp3s and pictures of boss guitar effects boxes.

that shall be my single obsession.

somehow, its the collecting that matters

not the enjoyment of the sounds or colors.

collect collect

forever collect.

never end.

hikiko hikiko

what a beautiful name


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