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5:03 p.m. - 2002-12-02
why did johann pachelbel write canon?
"you beg to be accepted.

you beg to be accepted as the loser."

Great Expectations

i have Great Expectations for J.

i hope he knows this.

he has transformed from the scorned outcast loser self into the smart articulate humourous goodlooking hunk.

i have great expectations for you,

... may i call you fren...

go and seek revenge.

i shall smile at the masks as they drop.

To the loser who falls in love on IRC

you are the loser

you didn't play the field.

As anyone, who's been in a failed relationship before, could tell you,

"Never put 100% into a relationship."

i maybe the loser.

i hate playing the field.

But why should i listen to others who are failures themselves?


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