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9:46 p.m. - 2003-10-11
the boy who cried wolf
the boy who cried wolf

if i cried wolf too many times

pls forgive me.

and if i cried woof woof

pls dun punch me.

i'm just being the pathetic dog/boy.

i dun expect you to save me.

nor can you anyway.

i will save myself.

but i'll still cry wolf.

only its a warning

for you.

the wolf

howl Arrrrr wwwhhhhooooooo

howl howl Arrrr wwwhhhhooooooo....

i am the wolf.

i hunt. i jump. tonight i sleep.

in the snow, under the feet of the trees. my brothers. their scent is still around. it'll be around for a few hours more before the snow melts and washes everything away. i am a wolf.



the pack.


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