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10:22 p.m. - 2004-01-16
nice pickup line: "hey, nice shoes, muthafucka."
Sometimes i think that the majority of singaporeans look quite uniform. On the Mrt, on the buses, on the pavements, we are properly dressed and we are moving on in our tiny little worlds. "no alarms and no surprises please." - radiohead

A riot of thoughts inside our heads but outside we manage to keep up with the appropriate level of self-presentation:

ironed shirt, pressed pants, not-too-excessively-dyed hair, jeans bought within the last 2 years, nice shoes, recently changed underwear, and an ez-link card to get us anywhere."freaking aliens inside my body they're taking over me"

i think about the closet fanatics in our mist. these secretive people u would never guess, they have some liking for something, and they sort of lie low about it, keeping their self-presentation normal for self-preservation purposes."i've seen yr repulsion and it looks good on you" - hole

i thought about forming some secret clubs for these pple. i would call it the closet-"insert secret liking here" club, e.g. closet-metal listeners club, for those pple who like to shut out noise with self-imposed noise in their earphones. and perhaps closet-westlife admirers club for pple who like the sight of 5(?) beautiful guys collected together, rather than one measley guy standing with a retarded smile. "dun love me for fun gal let me be the one gal" - boyband

i think almost everyone would fit into one of these closet clubs... there must be a closet club for everything.

ok, now for some stream-of-consciousness math:

35 + 67 times 78 log power 99 + 5 - 77664455 divided by 2...




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