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9:58 p.m. - 2004-07-06
consumption as production (leading a materialistic life)
i must have too much time, or else self-indulgent enough to contemplate my cultural consumption, hoping that by taking in these stuff, i would be able to change some part of my life.


collated news interview book about Bruce Lee.

death: the high cost of living

sargeant rock: between hell and a hard place

How to cheat at photoshop

listening to:(at this moment)

britney spears - everytime

5 for fighting - 100 years

nada surf - inside of love

snow patrol - run

the strokes - the end has no end, 12:51, automatic stop, reptilia

ocean yang - lonely south pacific (mand)


my girl

goodbye lenin

spiderman 2 (cool!!! that's 3!!!)

100 days with Mr Arrogant(koreanwhacked)

ichi the killer (all the killer bits were in the trailer, as expected.)

shrek (disc 2 pending)

going to get/rent/borrow

takeshi miike's Audition

bruce lee's enter the dragon

trashy bimbotic dumb dude shows (korean well produced sappy comedies)

going to do

get new shoes if mizuno shoes suck. (depends on budget)

write a story. (that's FFF, fit for fyp)

sheesha. sheeshagged.

exercise or to put it in new age terms, work out.

that's it.


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