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5:50 p.m. - 2005-06-14
disgraced dog of CS!
disgraced dog of CS
while i was having lunch just now, my newly met friend asked me how are NTU CS people like. i stumbled for an answer, and so i just said we're not very havoc or anything, we're just like everybody else. then, now, 4 hours later, i realise that no, we are not like everybody else. i'm sorry, i have disgraced you guys.

next time, some one asks me this kind of question again, i'll say:
dammit, we're not like the rest.
we're well-read, kafka, paul auster, marshall mcluhan, anthony giddens whatever.
we study films we write pages of essays we smoke a lot about hegemony simulcras and cultural studies, foucalt and media law, power and politics, journalism we're proud of it, bloody hell we love the media. we study the hell out of it. now, thats why we're different.
dammit, im not going to say we're the same as everyone else anymore. i'm sick of generalising everyone.

in the end, i think i bore her.


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