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10:11 p.m. - 2005-06-16
what is this? regrets. by new order.
visited dad at the hospital today.
finally my pay had came and i told him.
and then we talked about cpf and my contract job and about him telling me earlier that i shouldn't choose mass media to study, so on.

i dunno why but tears started coming out and i had to excuse myself to go to the toilet.

i guess it was a culmination of all the fuckups i'd been feeling.

what else today, i applied for a debit card so that i can sign on paper when i eat at fancy restaurants.

i met april at peace centre, cos i recognised her design.

i gave strepsils to someone.

i decided that strepsils is a farewell present.

i wrote on a piece of paper as some kind of stupid zen determination cum revelation proverb: 3 days to love, 3 hours to forget.

i slept on the mrt train home.

someone asked me which jc i was from and i said ajc and she said no wonder, ajc pple are like she makes a dull unsmiling boring face, and rjc people are like im going to do this do this and do that. and cjc or other jc people are on.

i dun give a damm to pple's opinions. i smiled. becos that was polite and friendly. i think its just opinions, nothing much to fight about. and i'm even thinking inside myself, she might be correct.

then later i never paid for her meal because i offered in a quiet unsure tone but she passed her money to me and then i quietly accepted.

then i brought her to action city. i thought it was a pretty cool place. i like toys and all that design shit. i like saying shit too. its a sign of mental lazyness. she exclaimed you brought me to see toys?!

i couldn't think of anything witty to say so i shut up. as usual by my other date experience, she walked around the shop by herself without a care. i've learnt the art of how to disappear completely.

be fierce! my msn nick said.
be a dominant alpha male.

i think maybe i should succumb to my urges of saying "screw you guys im going home" whenever im with irritating pple.


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