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8:23 p.m. - 2005-06-17
there is life after daft
my mind tried to lie to me when it made excuses and gave false hopes: for some people, there is no life after daft.
i came back from work early today because i had itching rashes on my body. The senior colleagues were concerned and told me to take mc home. W helped me with my night edit.

i went to the doctor in my neighbourhood, waited quite a while for an auntie to finish her talk with the receptionist, i was quite itched and irritated then, it was finally my turn and i went inside the doctor's room, he saw me and wanted to give me an injection on the bum, i've never remembered having any bum injections before, i think its super painful, so i begged him to give it to me on the arm instead, he obliged and scared me by saying that the needle is bigger, thats why its for the bum, i was abhorred, but fortunately it wasn't as painful as i thought.

i slept in my bed with no bedsheets and no pillow because my mom had taken them to be washed in case it was the bedbugs. i woke up with no one in the house.

i got on the internet, surfed porn, listen to white stripes and am now writing this while thinking i should change to daft punk instead.

"human after all" by daft punk


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