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1:05 a.m. - 2005-07-03
talking to myself, a very bloggish thing
i usually come here to talk to myself. i hope you're not bothered.
its late now about 1am but i still dun want to sleep. just finished watching Dogtown and the z-boys that farah lent me. It's a good sentimental documentary. while i was walking to the toilet, i thought about our fyp docu and how does it compare to dogtown. and what makes a good docu.

i guess first and foremost a good docu has to document something. No matter how mundane it seems at first. i guess after that, it's up to the filmmaker to tease out what he/she wants to say about life through the subject of the docu. It's like us writing about our stupid lives. Perhaps one day, some person in the future will look at these scribblings and mould them into some coherent piece or something.

maybe its going to be a piece where there are some words that cannot be spoken. i read in microserf, a book by douglas coupland, that our bodies are like harddisks storing our memories. And sometimes these memories are reawakened either by sneezes, backrubs, hard knocks, scratches or something. I know this to be true. It's like your period coming and making you aware that you have a body. vulnerable stuff like that. i am not a hypochrondiac by the way.

i just need to have the bigger picture.
And a better sense of letting go. Of not worrying too much about the future, of taking life not too seriously, of appreciating the little moments, things like this. i guess this is what they call self therapy, ha.

ok i better go and sleep now. its late.


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