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9:23 p.m. - 2006-01-08
lesbian is a good word for now.
i just had monitor roadkill.
this is when insects fly and land on your monitor screen and u accidentally crash them with a cd while u were trying to flick them away. now the blood stains are there.

on other news, zaifa told me about a funny documentary called the yes men (2003).

okay, here goes rambling:
i dunno if today im going to write more. feel a bit sian. anyway had just decided to be linear and action-packed. and do feel a little anxiety about whether it will really be completed by march. told my colleague about it a few days ago and was met with indifference. maybe he doesn't believe me. so i guess i really got to do it and prove myself. eurgh. i guess there are somethings u got to get yourself into a fix over. like burn all your bridges. that's a new strategy they discovered we humans had been using a long time ago. but nobody guaranteed it will work. and what is it you really want out of this? success and fame and money and not needing to work like shit. reasonable enough. but realistically, i guess just treat it as a ticket out of what i'm doing right now. except what i'm doing right now isn't insufferable or intolerable. after hell week + millions of errors, and a weekend of not seeing colleagues or work, the days at work seem idyllic. cept its not really idyllic. just keeping the stress levels under the line. so shoot for the stars. and do something impossible. one step at a time. i got to love my characters cept they do swear an awful lot. often, i enjoy talking about it then doing it. metaconversations and meta-work. it would be great if we can do meta-work as work. cept it wouldn't be so logical. sociological. oh i just downloaded and watch an episode of arrested development today. the pace was fast and time sure flies before u knew it. the jokes and irony were so fast they're over. real clever. no laugh tracks. just matter of fact. this is funny and this is straight, you can laugh or just watch it. some twists and clever ideas. drama in 30seconds. what would a drama in 30 seconds be like. a few jokes, some emo moments, a conclusion to sum up the opening line. we're going to have a fundraiser for the bluth family. oh my thumb! i'm a waiter! i can't cook! dad has no respect for me whoo. i'm sorry. we have donations despite being undesperate and neurotic. the end.

if u want hard songs to go with the war and times right now, maybe the vans warp tour 2005 stuff will work. otherwise, its just punkrock with loud sounds.

on other artistic fronts, it seems lesbian grunge-techno collage music will rule for a short while in 2006. stuff like pleasure principle by lesbians on ecstasy. or maybe death from above 1979 as picked by x'ho as good band/album for 2005. cept not sung by lesbians. but nice grunge-techno-industrial.hahaha. hmm maybe metric. i dunno.

i haven't found soft songs as of yet. maybe damien jurado will suit the mood. i dunno. if you guys got any ideas or music for reccomendations/predictions, do put it on your blog.

dunno if im becoming like those wannabe actors as waiters in LA, telling people they got something going while they're waitering. i guess i am. ok better start working. i'll procrastinate and read some shit on the web as usual. at least for a while.


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