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1:21 a.m. - 2006-05-09
just writing
science fiction...
a science fiction story would be more "complete" with its own critique of the role of religion in society.

in the story of "this is (not) a science fiction story", the subplot should contain:

when we suffer; poor health, disasters; it feels almost as if a divine force is punishing us. Everytime i see a pimple, i think of how i am being punished, for something i do not remember. Everytime, a person cries out in pain, he prays someone will make it stop; he makes promises to be a better person.

in such a world, religion is like a scolding, meted out by persons on themselves; when they suffer, they say that they deserve it.

people seem to think that by being sorry, apologetic and repentant about their health and past behaviour, sometime later, God would forgive them, and they would be cured.

in such a world, they will have charity shows, and some people will get too sick, they get so sorry, they kill themselves, as if to say, "god, i'm sorry."

everything gets magnified by the media, blown up, out of proportion, an epidemic of fat diease, an outbreak of health fads.

politicians get richer, with links to pharmaceuticals, and people get drugs to stay in a constant state of comfortable numbness, buying t-shirts for the economy.

some people dream of getting rich, think the only way is to step on others, because they have a view of the world, the takers take, the weak get trampled.

some people run away, and escape, living hermit lifes in the city.


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