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12:43 a.m. - 2006-05-15
i don my happy yellow hat
construction labour
i wear this happy yellow hat, it protects my skull from falling objects.

last time a hammer fell onto this guy's head, and luckily he was wearing a happy yellow hat same as the one i'm wearing now. He only ended up with his left frontal lobe smashed. we had tomato spaheggti for lunch that day, mmm-hmm, delicious.

today after banging some nails into a plank of wood, i tried banging some nails into the happy yellow hat. There were cracks but otherwise the nails didn't penetrate. This hat is good!

i am so happy to have my happy yellow hat. it makes me a man. strong and able. sweat and go.

i am no longer jaded, sad, unenthusiastic, sick.


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