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9:51 p.m. - 2006-05-25
jm coetzee writer of human misery forced me.
inspired by JM coetzee, the great writer of human misery, this is another fictional story

what a wonderful day this has been!

man... great. just beautiful. a great meal. i ate so much i was bursting. i got to sing the super positive song to myself while i was in the toilet. when i came out, i wanted to eat some more.

it has been a real fantastic night. we ate and then we went to catch a movie and we even held hands in the dark. we watched a true love story and it was like we were the leading pple in it. so sad yet so beautiful so lovely.

there were fireworks in the sky in our minds we stared at the stars and imagined we were near like planets orbiting forever we are together.

i feel like floating in the sky, so light and airy, who says happiness is all the same? i've never felt so happy in my life, we laughed and made so many in-jokes, and then talked about ourselves and our dreams and our fears, shared everything...

if everything has been leading up to this, it is worth it. life is really worth living. i can dance and she laughs.

ok i gtg. fantastic night.


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