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11:06 p.m. - 2007-03-28
My Resume Film Part 2
My Resume Film Part 2 (this project has been revived because of acute unemployment)

The Resume filme (French spelling for film)

Exterior Day School of Communication and Information
I walk out of school, carrying a bag and a folder.
I am so cool, my footsteps stir up dust clouds and the audio editor helps me put Godzilla footsteps to the tempo of my feet.

Me (voice-over)
Yes, that�s me� and that�s the School of Communication and Information where I was institutionalized for 4 years, learning various skills and theories in the dark arts of Media.

Yea� I�ve fond memories of the time I spent here.

Flashback montage of memorable scenes
I am hiding half-behind a pillar, like Mr. Bean, peering out secretively as students walk by and interact in the atrium.

I am at the bowling centre, I pick up a ball and slide it to the bowling pins, it hits some pins mediocrely, I pump my fist in the air and go, �Yes!�

I am walking out of school, and my footsteps stir up dust clouds and Godzilla stomping sounds.

Exterior Day School of Communication and Information
I stand at the carpark, looking at 2 roads, one leading this way to somewhere urban, another leading to a deserted path that cuts into the woods.

Me (voice-over)
I finally graduated, as a Honourable Bachelor, 2nd lower class.
But now I am at the crossroads of my life.

Like a crazed madman with a shiny glint in his eyes, I am suddenly seized by some inner determination I never knew was inside me all along, and I concentrate and furrow my brows, my incredible face of determination, I raise my fists in the air and I shout out loudly into the judgmental silence:

I want to be a filmmaker!


I start running like mad down the deserted path into the woods.

Meanwhile, my voice echoes throughout the campus, birds on treetops take flight as fast as they can, and somewhere in the universe, Steven Spielberg in his beard and trucker cap froze in mid-direction of his film, Old Man and the Sea.

Me (voice-over)
That�s how I ended up here.

Interior Day Interview Room of Production House
Some random establishing shots to show this is a production house:
Books about editing, using finalcut pro for dummies, some stupid storyboards (preferably from this film), the actual signboard of the production company, my nice shoes on the carpet, my shaking-in-excitement feet, the calm benign faces of the 3 interviewers, one of whom is a tiger lady for fengshui and maximum effect, they are looking intently at me.

We are all silent.

Repeat some earlier shots to emphasize our silence.

They flip through my resume, and then throw it into the dustbin dramatically.

Heard but not seen
Camera on me. I am smiling like an idiot.
They field questions like rapid gunfire.

Interviewer B
Tell us something about yourself.

Interviewer A
Tell us 3 words that describe you.

Interviewer B
Why do you want to join our company?

Interviewer C
Tell us why we should hire you.

Interviewer A
We�re looking for someone who can work long hours, sometimes on weekends, he or she has to be able to write, edit,

Interviewer B
We�re looking for someone with Passion.

Interviewer C
You don�t look like a writer.

Interviewer B
What�s your expected salary?

Interviewer A
What is your greatest achievement in life so far?


I just graduated from the School of Communication and Information where I was institutionalized for 4 years and I just ran all the way here.

Frankly speaking, I don�t know if I have the passion� I�m not very confident about myself and -

All I learnt in school is about the media, and I want to work in the media, I want to become a creative person, with good ideas, I want to work and learn from others, to create meaningful shows. I know I�m going to have to slog since I have no experience but I�m giving myself 3 years, I�m prepared to do the best I can, and see what happens.

But I don�t want to work like a slave. I have my family and my own life. I don�t want to spend all my time worrying about things that are worthless and mean only money to the company.

Sometimes I think, this is just work.

My expected salary is whatever you are willing to give me, with honesty and fairness.


Exterior Day School of Communication and Information
I walk out of the woods, my clothes in disarray, my hair a mess, my eyes dull and glazed over.

The media industry is truly dark and scary.

to be cont'd.


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