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1:31 a.m. - 2007-03-29
my rants and my pants, i mean plans
my rants and my plans

my rant:

where's your imagination?
you've taken things too literally you probably thought literature was just spelling and

grammar is more important than a hammer.
i tell ya a hammer is better than grammar if you use it right you can nail a point deeper rather than flatter if all you see is things that ought to be flattened like a hammer in your hand you wannabe god

you probably want to clone yourself cos you stifle your kids and their elves.

you probably should open your eyes and see what you are thinking how stupid kids can be they got better hope than thee they probably make better bosses if they venture out of boxes you put them in.

i am sick of my unemployment my sick vacation watching mama leave the house for macdonalds while i stay home in my pyjamas and type out letters to houses asking to be given instructions and coins

your meagre servant begs his orders he has come to ask for forgiveness
in advance because he ain't qualified
he ain't got no expee.

what's your expee and your m-pee?
expee dictates your skill levels while m-pee is your mana for casting spells,

don't reply i mean rely but its just the same on your mp, he's earning big bucks walking the constituency rounds and telling papers whats up in a wazzup cool kinda way he's hip in a image made after your votes

don't reply your vote is my secrecy your vote is your decision but your vote is nothing cos 4 years and 1 day of political experience means nothing you sit and do nothing

unless you walk and feed cats in the evenings thats more useful than rambling,
i'm sorry i'm just talking.

my plans:
i plan to run away tomorrow morning take a break since no one gives me a break away from this mad shit of job hunting and interviews a waste of my time no one ever hired me on the spot they usually gave me the job because no one wants the job and they are in a spot.

be sporting.
take a joke or two.
be daring.
tell a joke andrew.

i plan to run away and enjoy my sick vacation and have no sleepless night thinking about this shit.

this sheet!

i can see a glimmer in there you said.
you probably see glimmers of your own ego in your shit.

cos you're filled with it.


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