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11:19 a.m. - 2007-04-03
old piece about sg design govt disney death
Co-written with a last time colleague from my office, he wrote the opening line. I wrote the last and tidied the rest.

This was a sort of upbeat comment on the talents we have and how the govt is supporting the local design industry. i don't know if he ever used it.

"Disneyland with the death penalty" - that is the famously damning description of Singapore by William Gibson, the acclaimed father of cyberpunk.

Well, it�s a thought-provoking statement, albeit one that is also rather dated, (he wrote it in 1993); because although Singapore�s economic success is often attributed to its strict policies and obedient, law-abiding citizens, the country has since moved on.

From the stereotypical view of being just a financial hub with oblivious worker-bees, it is fast becoming one of the liveliest Asian cities today for both design and the arts.

Some of the more exciting and creative talents to emerge in recent years are sneakers designer Mark Ong, aka SBTG/Sabotage (, and Grace Tan, of fashion label Kwodrent (

For Mark, the ordinary sneaker provides a ready canvas for his edgy and unique handmade designs and he is now recognized as one of the most sought-after shoe designer/customiser.

Similarly, Grace is gaining attention with her design concept based on the study of rectangles. She uses new construction methods in handling fabric to create innovative clothing and more importantly, an original thought on fashion.

And with events like the Singapore Biennale ( and the 20/20 show in London (, it can be seen that the Singapore government is awakening to the exciting potential of its designers and supporting the local creative culture by greater exposure in the international platform.

Things have indeed changed in this Disneyland� the people in the little costume suits are finally speaking up with their own voices.


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