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11:52 p.m. - 2007-04-25
stare WEIRD in the face
stare WEIRD in the face
Have you seen WEIRD?

On the train home from work today, the carriage wasn't very crowded, only a few passengers seated here and there, there was a late 30s man with a head of brushy hair sitting opposite me on the bench, he was reading some notes printed on white paper and his right hand was holding a striped yellow and black made-in-china pencil.

he looked up and sucked in his cheeks, puckered his lips and made a pout, at first i thought he was looking at someone else at the station, but then it surmised that he was pouting at his own reflection.

then he realised i was staring at him and he stared back straight at me.

no smile, no expression, from either of us.

i broke off eye contact and glanced elsewhere but then uncontrollably I looked back at him and he was still staring.

i had a faint fear that he might go mad and jump right across at me.

he did nothing. he just stared.

what a freaky fellow i thought to myself.

i looked away again.

A few seconds passed and i test-glanced at him and saw that he had returned to musing over his notes.


but i felt something nagging me, like a pebble in my shoe, that i had lost the staring match. and then something ridiculousness and absurd about the stare.

i looked at my reflection in the darkened windows of the train, a slouching figure with hair over his forehead, a downturned mouth on an average boy-looking face.

i wonder what he was thinking in his mind.


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