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1:36 p.m. - 2007-05-08
two dogs
Thursday, two more days and it'll be the weekend, but I'd already met the happiest beings today.

The sky was just brightening up when i got off the train at Jurong East. i started walking towards the office, 9 hours await me.

i looked left, at the field beside the MRT tracks, an expanse of green, overgrown grass, wet and glistening with dew. And that's when i saw the two of them.

Two impossibly perfect golden-brown golden retrievers. Aren't they all golden?
Nevermind. But there they were, lounging in the damp grass enjoying the orange sunlight, without a care in the world or an owner in sight.

i had the notion to jump over the drain and walk through the ankle-high grass to be closer to them. But i looked at my watch and decided to continue on my path instead. But i was still slowly turning my head as i walked, fixing my gaze at them. The two happy dogs. i raised my arm and waved at them, hoping to catch their attention, so that they might come towards me. But they didn't.

Where's their owner?
Why are the two of them just lying in the grass?

what happy dogs.


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