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3:50 p.m. - 2010-10-30
sympathy for people who are not me
while working on this script for a beauty show, i had numerous revisions and at one point my boss commented that my lines were SO unsympathetic.

i think that's what i lack. real sympathy and empathy. i mean the real, real kind. no kidding.

Then just now, when my friend wy texted me that his cousin had passed away suddenly of a heart attack, someone who was only married a while ago and had a son, i started texting back and then i stopped myself, from saying the usual shocked exclamation thing.

i thought a bit, i forgot about what, and i started writing the sms again and then i felt sad and sort of cried for the cousin.

i wonder if anyone else is like me, I spent the early part of my life crying for myself and then the later part, learning to cry for others.

i think this is what i should learn.
even if my career bombs or something, i should really learn to
put myself in others' shoes.
being kind with my actions and words.
being true with sympathy
and have more inner strength.


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