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5:33 p.m. - 2011-01-24
thoughts during a lull at work on a monday
1. hey i might leave on time today after all.

2. oh no, what if something crops up and i have to stay back? Shit, that'd be such a drop from the happy lazy feeling i have now. Better not be so smug.

3. ah screw it, i'll eat the bag of nuts i bought yesterday for The Fighter.

4. never mix the hand you use for maneuvering the mouse with the one you dip in the bag.

5. should i pick up that raisin? Where'd it go?

6. hope that raisin throw into the wastebasket didn't disturb my neighbour and alert her to my slackness.

7. read the news...

8. now i'm using the keyboard with my previously nut-handling hands. great, i just cleaned that keyboard last week.

9. it feels oily. some keyboards just accumulate natural oils like an avocado.

10. 1 more hour to end of work today! yay! ok, better not get my hopes up. Back to surfing idioms for future wordplay and visual puns.


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