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9:32 p.m. - 2012-05-06
This time last week (Lake Toba)
So this time last week, we were all in the Horas Family House, inside, because we were scared of the flying insects in the patio.

And we played Citadel, Black Jack, Indian Poker, the bean game, and watched Junior Master Chef Aus on TV.


This was our first day at Tuk Tuk "island" (more like a tiny peninsula) within Lake Toba.

Being the first day, we woke up around 9, went out to the dock/waterfront to admire our first daylight view of the mountains.

We had only arrived last night at the lake, by a very slow ferry at about 11pm plus. We saw many many stars, so many in fact, that we couldn't even see Orion, because we were confused by the many constellations to tell which is which.

It's been some time since i spotted Orion in the sky. Hmm.

I wonder if i should get into astronomy just for the fun of it. Maybe i'll try the desktop Mac app that lets you fly through the galaxies. Maybe it sounds better than it is.

So anyway, our first day at Lake Toba (last Saturday), we started walking out of our guesthouse, and turned right, looking around for places to have breakfast, our first meal at the place.

About 15metres, passing some wooden or brick single-storey shophouses, we came upon Tabo Cottages (The second best resort on Tuk Tuk island, the first best being ours, seriously. We beat everyone because we have organic vegetables, rabbits, three happy dogs, a diving board into the lake, a Dutch host with an eventful past, rubber buoys to float in the lake, fishing ponds, satellite TV, and a whole two-storey bungalow of our own.).

So, at Tabo, which we thought was some clever rearrangement of Toba, but actually meant "improvement of spirit and body" or something to that effect, we ordered breakfast: indo mee goreng special, nasi goren special, avocado sandwich something, rendang, and more.
Adrian's coffee was very strong and attractive.

We saw him drinking it, and we smelt it, and after that, we went out of Tabo looking for a place to have coffee.

We walked around Tuk Tuk island, stopping many times to take photos. The sun was out and it was very hot if you were directly under it. But in the shade, the air was cool and breezy.

I think i like Lake Toba's climate. Because of its high altitude, and greenery, the air was cool and fresh. I'm not really a natural scenery person, mountains and lakes don't move me, but after coming back to Singapore, i kind of miss the quietness and simplicity of the place.

It's like being taken out of the competition of Singapore. A competition for space, be it on the mrt trains or shopping malls or eateries, a competition to prove your worth by the things you own.

simple, no-fuss, cool weather is best.


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