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11:11 a.m. - 2012-08-18
my friend! i wish u many many luck. many luck to you and your friends and many luck to your family. my friend! come here, look over there, that's a rock that looks like an elephant.
i talked to a new friend recently, and she told me about how she has to get married by next year. Or else her mom will make her move out and live by herself. Her mom said to her, "are you seeing anybody? Okay, I see that you are trying, i give you one more year. If you don't get married, you move out."

That's so mean, i said.

But it's for her good, she says, her mom wants her to be independent. Her mom can't take care of her forever.

The whole pressure to get married. But at the same time, what can you do if there are no marriageable suitors?

It's not a case of no suitors, because her friends introduce their single friends to her, and she makes effort to tell everyone, hey introduce your nice, caring friends to me!

So she goes on dates, but she's not certain of them. There are still things about them which she's scared might not work out with her, considering she loves traveling and has her own interests.

And on top of that, she feels inferior about her background and her unstable career. These are minus points for her, because this is how they judge partners in her country.

Somehow, i think the older we grow, the more scared we are to love someone. To get into a relationship. Because if you are sensible, you want to get into a relationship that comes with marriage. It's the good ending. (Or one of the good endings.) There is so much to consider. Almost every single person past 30 has a sad story.

So we must think like Barney.

"When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead".

This segues us into a spiel about buying colourful banana-boards and radio-control helicopters, while traveling to foreign countries. Currency and cultural exchange.

Ah to desire is to suffer. That is very true. But you cannot eliminate it totally. To desire, to love, is to live. We can only accept the ups and downs and try to live as bestly as we can.


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