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9:37 p.m. - 2012-09-16
today i am thankful for:

Hass and her family for inviting us over to her house for lunch and being so hospitable and generous. Really nice.

Adrian for bringing us ginger tea (and other assorted flavours) from his India trip.

My mom for rubbing some medicinal oil into my back when i told her that i sprained my back today.

In other matters, i am a bit worried about whether i can finish my work. i think i get worried and stressed easily. Better do something about it.


series of dots. if only i can just type dots in the whole thing.


looks like E.

okay i go rest now. I need to watch some funny drama to forget about work for a while. At least tonight.

screw work i can do it! yes yes yes!

i imagine my brain cells in a huddle like how they do before a football match, shouting an invigorating and terribly uplifting cheer. Urp! Urp! Victory!

And then they run to the field like troopers prepared to take on anything. Bring it. Ya gotta bring it.

now they're hip hop dancers.

and then they want to go already. So cya.


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