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9:20 p.m. - 2012-09-29
Railway trek detour to Dairy Farm Nature Reserve
Singapore is rich in reserves! Come everyone, get your reserves! Greenery, not green dollars.

So today i am thankful for:

- the good weather given by lady fortune. (it's more kinky when you think of luck as a female ;)

- my brother and sister-in-law for treating me and my mom to a delicious lunch at Lorong Ah Soo. We had chicken rice, roast chicken, wu xiang, roast pork and char siew. Ah so satiated.

- JX for driving me and letting me drive home. Really nice of him for trusting me with his car and life! We went walking at the railways, or we tried to, but after walking a few steps in the half-barren fields at Choa Chu Kang, we decide to change and go to the nearby Dairy Farm Nature Reserve!

Some parts of it, especially the Wallace Trail brings you through the jungle and it's quite exciting. JX ran ahead to jog while i walked and checked for 3G signal. Not much found.

Nice place the govt has done up well with our money. Yup it's yours too.

Alright, that's about what i have for you in today's news.

Every week flies by so fast, and i marvel every week and how close last week's events seemed. This happens every week, but it still seems startling every time.

i love the weekends. Time to plan or request for my leave periods when i get back to work next week. But i'm not sure what I'll do during my leave.

Shall i save up money to travel? Or buy a radio-controlled helicopter next month? This helicopter about the length of my arm. One version has a video camera on it some more, okay. Very cool, very cool.

alright. bye bye.


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