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10:32 p.m. - 2013-04-14
The purpose of going out is to see random acts of kindness around you
So today i ventured out of the house alone, just to be outside for a while and see the world.

Of all the places to be on a weekend, I went to Vivocity and it was really packed with people streaming about like schools of fishes, waiting to go up the escalators, weaving between people walking in opposite directions, reduced to trudging behind a slow couple, I try to be indifferent or even welcoming about the crowd, saying to myself, this is what you came for, to see the crowds, it's like Tokyo isn't it?

Except it isn't. And perhaps really, i don't miss Tokyo very much.

So today i went out and i guess the purpose of going out, as i realise later on the bus home, the purpose of going out is to witness acts of kindness between people.

I saw two acts of kindness today. One on the mrt when a well-dressed man in his 40s gave up his seat to a whining boy and the boy's family of 2 sisters, 1 baby brother, mother, and mother's girlfriend who looked a bit like a guy, but is a woman i think.

The second act of kindness I saw was on the bus home when a Vietnamese or Thai looking pregnant woman boarded with her 4 year old daughter and there were no more seats left on the bus. This man looked behind awkwardly and gave up his seat. A stranger, the woman beside him, also gave up her seat to the pair.

So, that was it.

What else did I see today?

I saw this shop called Francs & Francs or something and they sell very nice Japanese cast-iron teapots and clay tea cups.

I saw that Daiso didn't have Calpis which I wanted to drink.

When I was walking home through the dark path, a woman who had gotten off the bus too was walking in front of me, she looked back at me and continued walking, i think she was scared that I might be following her. So i walked slower and eventually our paths diverged. She walked to the old folks home, i think she's a nurse there, while i continued walking home.

Here's a list of stuff I bought today:
A pair of Taiwan guavas on sale
A box of 5 kiwis from Italy
A packet of almonds
A packet of uncooked cha soba noodles
A dusty bottle of fish sauce for the cha soba
A 500ml bottle of mixed fruit juice from Japan
A can of Tae Noi wasabi-coated peanuts

i also saw that the tube of wasabi ($6) I bought from Narita airport was sold at Daiso. Damm.

alright, this is it, i'm going off to watch some kdrama and then turn in to sleep. Good night!


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