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11:41 p.m. - 2013-11-04
love so weightless you won't feel its burden
I will send my love to you hidden in tiny bits
so that they will be weightless on your shoulders, so that they won't be your burden at all, so you will never feel tired of me or feel pestered by me.

so weightless you may not even feel it.

and then when i've finally given up and i've stopped loving you,
you wouldn't notice that i have erased a certain part of myself, and you wouldn't feel the heartache, you wouldn't feel that anything's missing.

i don't want you to feel anything amiss. or to feel sad. i just hope you will be happier.

Then it, my love, would just be normal tiny bits.
as normal, as bland, as friendship on facebook.

And then maybe i wouldn't hurt too.

good morning.


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