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10:35 p.m. - 2013-11-07
i feel so broken
i blame it on mcD's ebi burger
maybe it's the high fat content that's making me emo

i feel so sad
that this is probably as good as it gets
as far as you can go

that everything i do is useless and desperate
i feel so sad

to be friendzoned from the lovezone

i don't know if i can feel good again,
maybe one week later i am ok
you call it dragging things
i call it pursuit
but i scare you

the more u run away, the more i chase
until i fall down and i can't run anymore but you never looked back or if you did, you continued running.

good bye
i say to your retreating figure
like retreating from a monster

and then i felt really sad and i looked around.
i looked around at other girls but they are not you.

and i felt sad.

past tense


i felt sad

it was in the past.

i felt sad.

it was passed.

i should have kept my mouth shut.

i should have beared with it

i should have shut up

now this little happiness we had is gone

replaced by draggyness, sighs, aiyohs, and silences and pleas and rational discussions and backpedalling and words and conversations on the phone... the medium is changed but the message remains the same.

the days passed and the feelings remain the same.

ive been given up.

give up.

you can't force things to happen.
you can't force love.
the only dignity u have is to walk away...


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