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9:57 a.m. - 2013-11-10
Somehow when i write here, or the stuff that comes here, or when stuff is written here, it means it probably is the end.

This is where dying relationships come to rest.

Put them in bed, pull the covers over them and let them gently sleep, like children who have cried a lot when they didn't get the toy they want at the department store.

The initial stages of love, when it's one-sided or lop-sided, is like an ailment where the sufferer is starving for attention.

Every SMS or message is received with delight and savoured.

When both parties like each other and support each other, it feels like the top of the world.

If only one party still holds on, then it's like they've bought a ticket to the USS rollercoaster rides. Emotional ups and downs.

Strap themselves in. A jacket full of bombs ticking. Heading towards a painful ending for yourself. That's what love is - the jacket of time bombs - if you refuse to let go.

There's a weezer song called, Don't Let Go.
That's the wrong advice, don't listen to it.

When life hands you lemons... they're probably handing out trophies to others too. Or million-dollar property deeds. So, you know, just suck it up.

Don't make lemonade. let the lemons rot.
Become fertiliser for something else.

So in the end, even if you do nothing, just sit and stare at the field of lemons that life has handed you, rotting away... Even when you do nothing, something beneficial will come out in the end. Like the lesson learnt from all these events. Like the lemon-acid fertiliser for the field. Like you've enjoyed the time of sitting on your bum doing nothing.

time wasted doing nothing is better than time wasted doing something shitty.

Don't agree with me.

There's a baby crying.


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