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12:21 a.m. - 2013-12-01
Don't ask her to be more than friends. Just be a good friend.
The harder you hold on to love, it dies like a bird in your grasp. But set it free, and one day, it will come back if it's really yours. If it's really meant to be.

I am thankful to L and A for their advice...

"I think it's not the right time to ask her to be together. that kind of questions.

Yeah, she will be stuck on that question. Just be her funny friend, as long as u make her feel happy, she feel comfortable and happy with u, the chances u have, thats the key thing.

Things are not as bad as you think. I think you're doing right, things will go right. Remember most important is no stress for her, make her comfortable and happy."

"Go out, hang out with friends, surround yourself with nice people.

They don't have to be girlfriends.

And when you've met so many girls,

and you still know the person you want is her, then she is the one."s


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