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3:57 p.m. - 2013-12-28
2013 thank you for your gifts. 2014, get ready
As 2013 rolls to a stop and 2014 is getting dressed up for the days ahead, my mind misses someone as much as my heart, desire clashes metaphors like a baby throwing tantrums - childishly, crying for attention.

Anyway, resolutions for 2014...

To be more true to myself.

To go after what i want frankly and unapologetically. To step away when it's not possible or when it's not what I want.

To help family, friends and others, but also being true to express my own likes and dislikes.

To talk to people sincerely and honestly, without being too polite or euphemistic or off-handed.

To make a better self of myself... learn new things, meet new people, reconnect/rediscover old people, take up initiative and responsibilities.

Maybe this is too much, that i might forget. I


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