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2:36 p.m. - 2014-02-05
hey there,
i'm back again.. Because i just read about an article on how gratitude makes one happier and less depressed, so i felt i just had to interrupt my work and Facebook surfing to come here and express some gratitude.

So um, i'm grateful to life for still being alive. I mean still being alive to enjoy food and hot lemon honey tea every weekday while i do my work. Okay thankful that the canteen sells it. What a begrudging thanks lol. Alright, I'll do it again.

I'm thankful to the canteen uncle and auntie for this hot honey lemon drink.

I'm thankful that I can work independently at my own pace every day, and have moments to walk off to get tea, and then return to my desk to write.

I'm thankful that recently I've made some new friends, thankful to K for commiserating in our situation, thankful to A for cheery optimism, for IV for being around, for C for interaction, for Z for inviting me to the zombie run.

I'm thankful for old friends, for staying in touch, for whatsapping everyday and exchanging little joys and funny comments.

I'm thankful for popular bookshop books. Do you know they have an entire shelf dedicated to break-up books? (In Chinese)

Alright... this is it, i should get back to surfing and doing my work properly.



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