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5:00 p.m. - 2014-02-20
the only one hurting yourself is your self
There should be an expiry date on the grief produced from a break-up or an unrequited love.

Or else it becomes a joke. To the outsider or the unwitting object of your affection, they are puzzled: Why is this person still going around in circles? Why is he still trapped repeating the same niceties which sound like entreaties.

I have moved on, why are you still living in the past like a madman? I begin to suspect your sanity. And also strengthen my resolve that I'd made the right decision to leave.

You mad person.

how many mad persons are there in this world?

how do you cure yourself of this madness?

i guess you've got to go out and help someone else who is also mad. Then perhaps, there is one less madness in the world. If you're really lucky, there would be two less.

Why does sadness well up behind tired eyes? Because the eyes are a dam that's tired of holding back the reservoir of tears that's been slowly collecting.

Then suddenly, you see the person. The only one hurting yourself is your self. Stop doing it.


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