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12:04 a.m. - 2016-03-08
Poems in Bangkok from 2014
About 3 years ago i went to Bangkok with my mom. I was nursing a heartbreak and my mom wanted to get some shopping done too. It was over CNY, when she would periodically think of my father who had passed away 11 years ago. It took some math and counting in my head, was it that long ago? It was.

Here are some poems/stuff i wrote in Bangkok:


Sitting in brown cafe
Facing mama
Listening to thai techno pop

Arms clasped supporting her head
She looks out the window
"It's made over there"
She pointed at a chef.

Is he gay?
The young teen rubbing my feet with oil
I hope we brought joy to each other.
To clarify, he massaged me and I gave him a tip.

At Brown cafe,
waiting for dinner
Sipping at our lightly sweet ice lemon tea.



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