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11:06 p.m. - 2017-08-23
i miss the old days of non-mobile phone internet
I'm writing this on my desk laptop right now, and i was bored, and it's night time, and if this is 2017, i would be on my phone scrubbing away at facebook, pulling down for new updates, reading shit news articles on trump and Pap and some angry comments about another stupid train breakdown for sure.

Then, bored with what's on Facebook, I will open up another app, something like Reddit or Edmw, one of those forums, and check out what stupid threads are viral now, it would be the same news articles again being commented on by angry or witty people, and I'm left with an amused outraged mood.

fuck the mobile phone internet man. sighs.

the best dayz of the internet was the 2000s... before iPhone came out. Really. if you think about it.

i remember how every night, after showering, i would switch on my computer and switch on some chat app like MSN or ICQ, and then while surfing and trying to download music mp3s, and probably going to the same old forums listed above (no Reddit i think). But what's great was you can see old friends on MSN/ICQ, and you can just hit them up for a chat easily.

Crack jokes and shoot the breeze. talking cock. Oh yeah the days when there was

i just especially miss chatting with friends on msn. it feels like nowadays there's no chat, just devouring news and stupid comments feeling angry for nothing.

someone should bring back a good old internet chat client. Facebook messenger kinda sucks.

i wonder what's the next thing after this facebook phase... Judging by how MSN/icq lasted maybe 10 years, hopefully, this whole everything-on-facebook thing will go away/change soon...Maybe around 2021? Maybe it's holograms or shit... i still want a way to chat with friends though. But not really chat like you have to reply immediately. More like msn chat lol. There's just a human touch missing in this facebook thing. Even though im seeing my friends' photos and pictures, but it's like only 10%... 90% of the news feed is filled with ads or idiotic memes.

i just prefer shit coming at me when i want it, not in this continuous diarrheaic flow.I must have fucked up my news feed, my carefully calibrated feed of awesomeness and positivity argh.

you know, i think it's time to start another social network. One without ads and commercialised shit thrown at you. Just people you care about.

what shall i call it? frenzone. haha. okay... as long as it's strictly off mobile. restricted from mobile users. you can only access it on a proper computer lol. and there's a chat client built into it. There's something elitist about this no-mobile-phones rule, but it will keep some bigoted assholes out.


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